Faction Goethe cryogenisée / Goethe Faction cryofied
Auteurs / Authors : Pauline Lepeu, Murray Kruger, Amandine Rodier
Participants : Pauline Lepeu, Murray Kruger, Amandine Rodier
Lieu / Place : Place de la République, Strasbourg
Date(s) : mai 2011
Durée (processus jusqu’à présentation ou à préciser / Duration (process until presentation or to be specified) : une matinée
Description (medium, genre, concept, questions, critics…) :
Our group (which consisted of Pauline, Amandine and myself) had to walk in any direction from the school. At a certain point we received three words from another group via a mobile phone. Two of the words were ‘university’ and ‘oxygen’. I don’t remember the third.
We found ourselves in a garden/park of sorts (near the art school) that had a statue of the writer GOETHE on one of their lawns. Adjacent to it we noticed a gate open with a white van parked in it next to a series of cylinders. Instead of creating a ‘work’ there we decided instead to create a fictional presentation as a way to report back on the location we found ourselves in.
Each of the group members presented an aspect of our fiction. The premise of our presentation was that GOETHE was in fact not dead, but was cryogenically frozen in the building picturedin our presentation. The gas cylinders were being used to maintain his frozen state. We used Wikipedia to provide some insight into the cryogenic process and how with recent scientific advances it was only a matter of time before GOETHE would be ‘defrosted’. Murray
Axes de recherche / Research axes (Play/Urban) : Play
Protocoles (collectif) d’action / (collective) action protocols :
S’emparer d’une proposition d’exploration (au concept et médium imposé) dans un espace définit par le moment et lieu de réception d’un message.