Marche avec / Walk with Humphrey Maleka (The two parks)
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Auteurs / Authors : Humphrey Maleka, Adrien Maufay, Victoria Wigzell, Laurency Dow, Michel Ekeba, Matete Motubatse, Juliette Autin, François Duconseille, Jean-Christophe Lanquetin
Description : A walk between two parks downtown Johannesburg.
On monday 3rd the group working with Humphrey Maleka from Ntsoana Danse Theater went by feet to 2 parks in the neigborhoud of King Kong building. These parks proposed by Humphrey are quite different, one quiet the other hard. We drifted in these places with 2 words chosen before randomly with the global group : “displacement” and “inversion” … we’ll perhaps do something with these words but it was not the question of this first approach of these places.
Axes de recherche / Research axes (Play/Urban) : play / Public space – common space / People as infrastructure …
In situ (may include different times > time 1, time 2, time 3, etc..)/ peut inclure différentes étapes > Temps 1, Temps 2,Temps 3, etc..
Medium :
Genre : Marche au départ de Vansa direction un parc de Johannesburg
Concept : Mimétisme de moeurs
Participants :Humphrey Maleka, Adrien Maufay, Victoria Wigzell, Laurency, Michel, Matete Motubatse, Juliette Autin, François Duconseille, Jean-Christophe Lanquetin
Durée / Duration : une heure l’après midi
Ville / City : Joburg
Questions : Comment s’intégrer à un espace? Comment être présents sans être observés? Qu’est ce qu’être là?
Medium :
Genre :
Concept :
Participants :
Durée / Duration :
Ville / City : Johannesburg
Date :
Questions :
Analyse critique / Critical analysis :
“Plutôt que de se mettre en position d’observateurs en ne cherchant pas à créer de performances ou d’installations, certains membres du groupe on pu heurter le quotidien des habitants de par leurs comportements intrusifs et volontaristes.” Adrien
Protocoles (collectif) d’action / (collective) Action protocoles : Récupérer des pavés (2 ou 3) et s’asseoir dessus pour être là et se fondre dans un environnement.
Sitting in the city.
In a park, between Marshall and Nugget Street. 3th september 2012.
With Humphrey Maleka from Ntsoana Contemporary Dance Theatre
We sit in the middle of people for quite a time, and observate…
Michel plays with a tyre.
Jean Christophe Lanquetin
Exhibition Play>Urban at VANSA
‘Peaceful’ Park (Jeppestown), Port Plein Park (2012) Par Victoria Wigzell
At the start of Play<Urban 2012 the group is split into three groups having had a group word play/ exchange to gain words that would guide our actions interactions within the city. Humphrey Maleka (Nstoana Dance Theatre) is our guide for this excursion- Humphrey suggested we visit two parks which are approximately 10 blocks apart from one another in the CBD, and which exist in stark contrast to one another.
To reach the first park we walked through Jeppestown, passing various small shops surrounding the train station. We are noticed; but we don’t feel uncomfortable walking through the space. We walked at times in single file, at other times in small groups of 2 or 3 people. The park is quiet. A street trader waits on one end for customers. A few of us buy loose cigarettes. We wander around quietly; Humphrey tells us that this park is a spot where they play Fafi. I notice pieces of rolled out VHS tape hanging in one of the trees.
We then walk the 10 blocks in a straight line to the second park. Our arrival is noticeable, and our presence as we stand in a large clump draws further stares. We realize that the reason for our presence in not apparent, drawing concern about reactions from both within the park and the areas that surround it- given the varying degrees of legality of the activity there. We decide to split up- emulating others in the park and sitting on bricks or rocks. While it may have brought us some sense of ease, it is doubtful that it made us any less conspicuous. After observing the activities around us for some time, we leave in a clump.
[…] one of the two visited with Humphrey. Every saturday this park become a church, strings are placed on the […]