A diary / journal by Marie Fricout and Pauline Lepeu, about the 2012 residency in Johannesburg. One month time, working between the inner city and the King Kong building, in VANSA spaces. One exhibition every week. 10 french students, 15 south african students, academics and artists. Experimentations based on the principle of play, and on dispositifs de collectifs. Here, a chronicle about the residency. And a conceptual diary by Jean Christophe Lanquetin
Charrette tissage Jeanne Derigny Hilke Fomferra Gaelle Hubert Elena Lebrun Lucie Mao Tout est parti d’une envie : produire la rencontre autour d’un objet. Le remettre aux mains de l’imprévisible. Le laisser évoluer au grès des êtres qui croisent son chemin. Très vite nous est venue une image : des gens réunis autour d’un radeau […]
All along the residency, i’ll try to stage in this journal some questions about how, from my point of view, Play/Urban could be(come) a creative research project, around a serie of theoretical questions and concepts, and how as artists, researchers, students, we could build processes engaging with urban contexts and the questions which are arising. […]
FINISSAGE > LAST DAY > LAST OPENING >>> For the last opening each group showed what he has been doing till here. You can go on each project pictures to see how each project has been exhibited. The space have been organized by François and Lester. Lot of people came, the night was really nice, […]
Each project is going on : Naadira and Dominique keep writting, proof reading, designing for the publication which is coming, a superfast production as it has to be done in 72 hours,so the publication would be available on Friday for the final exhibition at VANSA’s space Keep at it ladies ! Planet Lindela is touring all around […]
These days we had split up in groups into the city to work on our projects. In the meantime, the texte about the conceptual background of the project is written with the help of Dominique Malaquais by the group in charge of the small incoming publication which will go to print on Wednesday September 19 […]
King King building is busy again : every body is bringing back into the space elements of their outdoor experiences. This third event will display « teasers » of incoming projects. The radio team will map the city through talk for the Radio en Construction/ Joburg Radio project with Keleketla ! The park team went to have a pic-nik […]
Today is time for a general meeting, talking all together, giving feedback about what we made till here, telling what we are planning to achieve for the end of the residency ; The idea is to work about personal projects in little groups and to meet and share with the all group. Now we try to […]
We meet a the foot of the hill. Walking the dogs in landscape, just seconds away from the loud city. To come there we passed by a commercial center then a quiet housing neighborhood. The Koppies seems deserted, just us and the dogs wandering around. We follow a little path that climb through the rocks, […]
We divided into two groups. One went with Bettina Malcomess in the center of the city, walking from the library center to the Carlton center. The group with Dorothee Kreutzfeldt went by their own around Ellis park, Troyeville, Base valley, suburbian areas.
The day begun with a meeting with all of the urban players. From what we experienced since the beginning of the residency, each of us explained the ideas they want to develop and the way they want to work. Writing all these concept down, we can finally form working groups.
After a second day of exploring the city, divided into six groups, we made the second Wednesday event. First, Grégoire Zabé presented the 3D platform project. This project overlaps both maps of Johannesburg and Strasbourg and let every user build what he wants on it. Then several performances begun, one by Silvio and Adrien repairing […]
We were excited today to finally begin playing in Johannesburg. The first game was launched by Sello Pesa, Humphrey Maleka and Brian Mtembu from Ntsoana. more info here : http://www.ntsoana.co.za We divided in 2 groups around each member of the collective, and we spoke with them about what we saw during their performance on Saturday. Each […]
DONNA KUKAMA and SOWETO On the morning we assist to a presentation by Donna Kukama about her work The Swing, a site specific performance. She mentioned the necessity of inhabit a city, of understanding location and history in the inner city. From here own experience of the city linked to here intimate story she begun […]
Sello Pesa performance Lime light on rites, in a park downtown Joburg. see : Lime light on rites. and the video. Saturday we had an appointment in Joburg CBD in order to assist to Sello Pesa performance. HERE We arrived in a square where there were chairs under a white tent waiting for us. We seated, […]
Today we met some of the artists … (KELEKETLA ! + Grégoire ZABE) We had an appointment here at the Drill Hall in the CBD with Keleketla ! Check their Facebook page ! Rangoate Hlasane and Malose Malahlela explained their work with the children of the neighborhood, anchored in the in the Drill Hall site where the treason trials took place. […]
On Thursday, we were invited to assit to the 3rd years’s CRITS. French students were dispatched in different groups and attended to student’s work presentations. To see the location of the WITS Scholl Of Arts
ARRIVAL AND FIRST OPENING Monday night, newly arrived from Strasbourg and Kinshasa, we met joburg’s urban players for a meal on the roof of the WITS School Of Art’s roof. The following day we discovered the new space in which we are going to work during this month called King Kong building. We spent the […]